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Combo-mobility, a no-brainer yes or no?

June 22, 2022
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A smart move, what does that entail actually? Away from the traffic jams! The high fuel prices make us think about alternatives to the car. Even for those who don't want to depend on their bicycle every day or for those who have to cover a longer route, we have a solution: combo-mobility.

What is combo-mobility?

Combo-mobility means combining different ways of transport to reach your work, friends, or family. The possibilities for combining are extensive. Very extensive. Because you can, for example, use the train, tram, bus, shared bicycle, or car. Using your own bicycle and walking also qualify as combo-mobility.

Planning a trip? Then you take the bus from your home to the station. You then change to the train and take a lease bicycle or walk to your destination. You can also take the car to a park & ride and take a tram to the city centre. Endless possibilities, check!

Do you participate in combo-mobility yet? As many as 1/10 of employees organise their commute this way. The most popular combination is by car and bicycle.

On a smart and sustainable road

There are plenty of advantages when it comes to this way of travelling. Because combo-mobility helps you tackle your commute in a smart and sustainable way. It is the perfect solution to avoid increasingly long traffic jams. You can check which part of your route is invariably delayed and replace it with another mode of transport.

Do you have to go to the city centre for work every day? Do roads keep getting more congested? Does it cause you to arrive at work frustrated every day? Then look for a car park outside the centre where you can leave your car safely. Get your folding bicycle out of the car or jump on the train, tram or bus for a smoother route.

This way of travelling not only saves you time, it also guarantees to put you in a better mood. Sounds great, right?

An independent way of travelling

In Belgium, we are not blessed with a dry and warm climate all year round. It stops people from cycling to work.

But it’s perfectly possible to adapt to the weather circumstances. Will it be dry today? Then jump on that bicycle of yours for your daily work-out. That way, you don't have to go to the gym in the evening.

Do you have a busy day with many meetings or client visits? Make sure to check in advance how to cover certain parts of your route other than by car.

combimobiliteit fietser naast tram

How to kick off with combo-mobility

On average, we work 19 kilometres from our home in Belgium. This distance does not immediately make us look for alternatives to the car, although the current fuel prices may be leading us to do so.

It mainly remains a popular form of transport due to the large amount of company cars. Although the number is stagnating, and bicycles are gaining popularity. With o2o Bicycle Leasing, you can lease any type of bicycle. One that is completely tailored to your lifestyle! A folding bike that goes everywhere, or a speed bike to get you to your destination in no time.

If you want to start with combo-mobility, it is best to map out your daily route. That way you can analyse ways of tackling your mobility differently - and in a more sustainable way.

The apps of De Lijn or NMBS can help. On the website of Fietssnelwegen, you willfind an overview of various cycling routes and Google Maps will also show you the way: it offers the option of selecting bicycle-friendly routes.

Where to do combo-mobility?

That's easy: everywhere. Because cities and communities are increasingly responding to the possibilities of combo-mobility.

For example, Antwerp recently opened a car park near Linkeroever where you can park your car for an entire day for only one euro. A new tram stop was built in combination with the car park. So it’s easy for you to park and change to the tram or get your folding bicycle out of the boot.

If you want to combine your car with another way of transport, you can find a handy overview of all Park & Rides on the website of the Agentschap Wegen & Verkeer.

A green mobility budget

A mobility budget encourages environmental friendly alternatives to the car. If you are entitled to a company car, that budget can be used for a bicycle lease, combined with a cheaper company car. On top of the mobility budget, you get a bicycle allowance for every day you cycle to work.

If you want to  take your bicycle on a train, tram or bus, you can take your folding bicycle free of charge. For every other bicycle you pay €4 surplus on the train. At De Lijn other bicycles are not allowed and at MIVB, you can bring your bicycle on the lowered metro carriages outside rush hour. Additional costs will probably be reimbursed by your employer.

Moving on up with your bicycle

Cars remain popular, but bicycles and bicycle leasing are on the rise. At this moment, 27 percent of the employees cycle almost daily to work.

Are you curious about what o2o can do for your company and the good mood of your colleagues? Contact us today and we'll find a way to kick-start bicycle leasing in your organisation.

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Offer bicycle leasing to your employees?

Combo-mobility becomes even easier with a lease bicycle. Find out how we can install bicycle leasing in your organisation.

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