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o2o took a close look at the new Cowboy Cruiser Performance

October 4, 2023
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Our Cowboy enthusiasts Jan and Anton hopped onto the new Cowboy Cruiser Performance and are raring to share their conclusions with you! Brace yourself for a bicycle review like you’ve never seen before: honest, authentic and packed with useful information for anyone wanting to know more about the new e-bike.

Meet Anton

Position: IT Support Engineer

Cycling knowledge: I wouldn’t describe myself as a ‘bike nerd’.

Riding: Cowboy Classic Performance (Cowboy 4)

Length: 180 cm

This Cowboy’s biggest advantage: The new handlebars making this bike

a good all-rounder.

This Cowboy in three words: Comfortable, reliable and handy.

Meet Jan

Position: Bike Dealer Account Manager

Riding: Cowboy 3

Cycling knowledge: I’m fairly spoilt because in my job, I see and test out lots of bikes.

Length: 172 cm

This Cowboy’s biggest advantage: the driving feel with a smooth support, good overview, comfortable flow, as well as sufficient speed.

This Cowboy in three words: Comfy, stylish, and user-friendly.

Although Jan and Anton would much rather jump on the Cowboy Cruiser right away, I first grilled them with a few questions to find out why they opted for Cowboy, and whether they’re satisfied with their current bicycle.

Why did you choose Cowboy?

Anton: “I live in a city and mainly do shorter journeys (five to ten kilometres). That means I don’t need a speed pedelec or a bike with which you do really long distances. What’s more, this Cowboy Classic Performance is a small, light bicycle with narrow handlebars, meaning it can fit in a car, a townhouse or train no problem. I think the option of having a bike rack is important, and fortunately I had that choice with Cowboy!”

Jan: “I bought my Cowboy for the look, the app’s ease of use and the maintenance-friendly chain. What’s more, this Cowboy automatically adjusts the pedal assistance. You just have to jump on your bike and get going, so to speak. Cowboy bikes also have an automatic unlock system, which is really handy!”

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Thanks to the carbon drive belt, my Cowboy doesn’t need much maintenance and there is no chain grease on my trousers, which is pretty annoying!

Are you satisfied with your current Cowboy?

Anton: “Really satisfied! It’s a handy bike for journeys in Ghent and it just works, time after time. The support is intuitive, and does what it should. Thanks to the carbon drive belt my Cowboy doesn’t need much maintenance and there is no chain grease on my trousers, which is pretty annoying! I think the only downside is the sports seat position for longer distances. That can be quite tiring for your wrists and hands after a while.”

Jan: “I’m definitely satisfied! The Cowboy really catches the eye: people always look at a Cowboy. I also like riding it because of the pedal assistance and the useful app. You never need to mess about to get your battery out either, you can just easily remove it.

At long last, they can now totally go wild on the new Cowboy. They rode on cobbles, went onto bridges and returned to the office with a big smile, ready to subject this Cowboy to their critical scrutiny.

Should someone tell me I could exchange my own Cowboy for the Cowboy Cruiser Performance, I’d definitely would consider opting for the new model.

How was your cycling experience with the Cowboy Cruiser Performance?

Anton: Great! In fact so great, that should someone tell me I could exchange my own Cowboy for the Cowboy Cruiser Performance, I’d definitely would consider opting for the new model. The new model is somewhat more comfortable for my stature, because you sit more upright on it. For someone who’s smaller, the sports model might be more suitable.

Jan: “I really had a good driving feeling during the ride! Better than with some other electric bikes I’ve ridden on before. The bike has a really smooth support, you have a good overview, you’re comfortable on it and you reach a nice speed.”

Did you notice major differences with your own Cowboy?

Anton: “To me, the most significant difference is the higher, curved handlebars, which allow me to sit more upright and have a better overview. I definitely recommend taller people to opt for this model, because it’s a lot more comfortable. You’ll catch somewhat more wind and will have to pedal a bit harder, meaning you use up your battery faster, but to me, it’s definitely worth it. Minor downside: because the handlebars are wider, you can’t get the bike in or between places as easily.

Brands sometimes promise a lot, but the AdaptivePower technology actually makes a difference.

Jan: “I’m not such a fan of the new handlebars, they’re a bit less manoeuvrable, a minor detail that makes a difference for me. I do like that sports seat position. I certainly noticed a difference in the pedalling frequency. The system senses better what you’re doing and if you have lots of headwind, for instance. Brands sometimes promise a lot, but the AdaptivePower technology actually makes a difference, certainly with hills and bridges. The pedalling frequency is also somewhat lower, and that means you really cruise: you reach a high speed without feeling you have to make lots of effort. Another major difference with my Cowboy 3 is that the cockpit in this latest Cowboy has been nicely tucked away into the handlebars and the tyres are wider, making the bike very comfortable to ride.”

The wider tyres make this two-wheeler the perfect city bike for cruising over cobbles and tram tracks, without feeling uncomfortable or dangerous.

What type of cyclist do you recommend this bicycle for?

Anton: “I see the Cowboy as a city bike for rather shorter distances, for people who opt for comfort over sportsmanship and who are looking for a bike that’s easy to travel on.”

Jan: “I strongly agree, because you don’t ride races with the Cowboy. The wider tyres make this two-wheeler the perfect city bike for cruising over cobbles and tram tracks, without feeling uncomfortable or dangerous. Even for those new to electric cycling, this is the ideal starter bike thanks to its ease of use.”

The Cowboy Cruiser Performance: the ideal city bike for anyone who likes comfort

We can conclude that Jan and Anton were definitely impressed by the new Cowboy Cruiser Performance. The o2o testers in particular liked the AdaptivePower Technology, the bike’s lightness, the wider tyres and the higher, curved handlebars.

Would you like to lease a Cowboy yourself or are you looking for another lease bicycle that suits you? o2o is happy to help you on a #smart move! Create your myo2o Biker account now!

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