4 tips to create a cycling culture within your company

November 14, 2022
- Geschreven door:

#1 No cycling culture without good infrastructure

The fundamentals have to be right: provide a safe and comprehensive infrastructure for your cyclists. People are attached to their belongings, especially when it comes to their (usually expensive) lease bicycle. Make sure everyone can leave their bicycle at a reliable and safe place:

  • Provide a covered, and preferably locked bicycle shed as close to the entrance of the company as possible. This way, you not only protect the bicycles from theft, but also from bad weather. Because nobody likes to jump on a wet saddle after a long working day... And don't forget electric cyclists: make sure you have enough charging points so no one has to return home with an empty battery.
  • Changing rooms and showers are also part of a cycling infrastructure. After a long bicycle ride through what might feel like four seasons, most people want to freshen up or change clothes before settling down behind the desk. And with the unpredictable Belgian weather, drying rooms are often an added value.

As an employer, you provide all the necessary comfort to make sure those cycling colleagues can relax and bad weather can be no excuse for not choosing to cycle to work.

Cycling infrastructure at work with a drying room.

#2 Make your bicycle policy financially advantageous

It is true that bicycle leasing makes employees happy, increases loyalty and reduces absenteeism. But what mainly convinces people to opt for the bicycle is still its financial benefit. If you offer bicycle leasing through gross salary swaps, this is the most financially interesting for your employees. This gives them a tax advantage of up to 40% compared to a private purchase. That way, an expensive speed pedelec suddenly comes into focus and a whole new (cycling) world opens up.

To become a true cycling organisation, it is also a must - in addition to the tax benefit of a lease - to offer a bicycle allowance per kilometre as an extra-legal benefit. That way, you give your employees a financial 'gift' on top, with little effort on their part. Those who cover many kilometres by bicycle will receive a nice net reward for this at the end of the month.

#3 Give your cycling culture a playful edge

You will see: the more playful you make your cycling culture, the more enthusiasts will jump onto their bicycles. And there are lots of ways to enhance that playfulness:

  • Bicycle merchandise: Everyone gets happy with fun and useful merch, including your employees. Hand out free reflective items or cycling clothing in your organisation's branding. This way, you kill two birds with one stone: you guarantee the safety of your colleagues on the road and you make your organisation stand out in traffic in a unique way.
  • Start a bicycle club: Forget 'carpooling', from now on you will be 'bicycle pooling'. Because, admit it: cycling together is a lot more fun than going out on your own in the morning. And who knows, maybe you can find some enthusiasts to go cycling together during the weekend too?
  • Pamper your cyclists: From time to time, express that you appreciate the efforts your cycling colleagues make. Has the weather been miserable for weeks? Then provide a virtuous winter breakfast for all your colleagues who cycle to work daily. Is it summer and scorching hot outside? Then consider a nice refreshment at arrival such as a smoothie or a piece of watermelon.

And there is so much more you can do: organise cycling events, highlight the 'cyclist of the month' or organise workshops around cycling safety. In short: just make your cycling culture fun!

Colleagues cycling to work together.

#4 Saddle up yourself

Seeing someone cycling will make your colleagues cycle! Set a good example as a board member or HR manager. So saddle up, raise some cycling awareness and make it the main way of commuting.

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