Cycling news

From interesting information and handy tips to some fun campaigns and cycling stories – you'll find it all in our blogs.

60 km of pure joy: discover Dirk’s inspiring cycling story

Want to know why Dirk opted for a lease bike, along with where he gets his motivation to pedal so many kilometres every day? Discover his cycling story below. Be warned, his enthusiasm is infectious…

What are the effects of bicycle leasing on your pension and other social benefits?

How big is the impact of bicycle leasing on calculating your pension, end-of-year bonus or unemployment benefit? o2o found out for you in this blog post.

A sustainable bicycle industry through living lab CaDaNS

Find out how o2o Bicycle Leasing is contributing to a sustainable bicycle industry through Cadans.

Renson breathes cycling: nearly one out of five employees chooses bicycle leasing

Recently, Renson employees can lease a bicycle. And this was clearly well received, because in the meantime almost one out of five employees of the Waregem company is riding a lease bicycle.

Decathlon & o2o's project 'Circular Bike'

Together with Decathlon, we choose a sustainable solution for our end-of-lease bicycles. Say hello to Circular Bike!

How to become an ‘Employer of choice’?

Curious to know how you can win the battle to become the preferred 'Employer of choice'? You will discover all about it in our blog.

4 tips to create a cycling culture within your company

How do you install a real cycling culture in your company? With our 4 golden tips, we’d like to get you started.

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