Cycling news

From interesting information and handy tips to some fun campaigns and cycling stories – you'll find it all in our blogs.

o2o took a close look at the new Cowboy Cruiser Performance

Our Cowboy enthusiasts Jan and Anton hopped onto the new Cowboy Cruiser Performance and are raring to share their conclusions with you!

The 9 most famous bicycle brands to lease in 2023

Here, we give you an overview of the most requested bicycle brands in 2023 at o2o for a lease bicycle. Enjoy reading!

Lighthouse smoothly on the pedals with o2o Bicycle Leasing

Reno Van Impe, People Ops Coordinator, explains in the video below why at Lighthouse they are so excited about o2o Bicycle Leasing.

What are the costs of bicycle leasing for the employer?

The government provides a diverse pallet of measures, allowing companies to encourage their employees to cycle to work more often in many different ways. Discover the tax benefits listed here.

Why does leasing a bicycle through your employer offer so many tax benefits?

If you lease a bike through your employer, you enjoy a lot of tax advantages compared to buying the same bicycle privately. But how exactly does this work?

Cycling safely with a speed pedelec: check out our tips

With our five tips in mind, you are guaranteed to be safe on the road with your speed pedelec!

Good for both your wallet and your health: Wesley's cycling motivation

Thanks to his employer City of Ypres, Wesley now jumps on his fast o2o lease bicycle for the ride to and from work. And that's good for his health as well as his wallet.

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